Turkey and Zucchini Burger & Asparagus – Gluten free


I have a new recipe for you: delicious and healthy Turkey and Zucchini Burger Paired with , which is in season, this makes for a totally green and fit meal. These patties are flavorful, juicy, and perfect for a light lunch or dinner. The preparation is quick and easy, so anyone can make them. Give it a try!


  • 250g minced turkey
  • 1 whole zucchini
  • 1 egg
  • half of the red cellula
  • half of the red onion
  • mocarella cheese (I use lactose-free)
  • a bunch of asparagus
  • romaine lettuce
  • fresh basil
  • sprouts
  • salt, pepper, herbs
  • olive oil


*You can use the oven (180°C  20-25 min), frying pan, toaster (15 min)

Grate the zucchini, sprinkle with salt, wait 5-10 minutes and drain the water.

Fry green pepper and red onion in olive oil (do not burn). In a bowl, combine turkey meat, zucchini, egg, peppers, onions, basil, spices, half a cup of cheese (I used 1 cup) and spices.

Mix everything. Cook the cutlets the way you like them – I used a metal rim and a broiler. I placed the cutlet between two pieces of paper and baked it for +/- 15 minutes, you need to check it.

In the meantime, blanch the asparagus in a pan, add the Romaine lettuce and gently cover with cheese

Place on a plate and add the turkey and zucchini cutlets. serve with your favorite dressing.


Enjoy !







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