Fit Strawberries Brownies


Fit Strawberry Brownies!

Today, I have a sweet treat for you that perfectly fits a healthy lifestyle – fit strawberry brownies! This chocolatey dessert is not only delicious but also packed with wholesome ingredients, so you can enjoy its rich flavor guilt-free. The soft, moist texture of the brownies combined with fresh strawberries makes this dessert light yet full of deep chocolate aroma. If you’re looking for a sweet indulgence that won’t ruin your diet, this recipe is just for you! Time to enjoy a healthy pleasure. Let’s get started!


  • 4 medium-sized bananas
  • 150g peanut butter, e.g. crunchy – no add
  • 50g cocoa (I used extra dark)
  • 3/4 flat teaspoon baking powder
  • 3-4 strawberries – or any other fruit
  • 30g dark chocolate


Set the oven to 180 C (top – bottom)
In a bowl blend the bananas, add the rest of the ingredients and mix everything until the ingredients are combined. Add pieces of chocolate to the center, pour the mixture into any mold (an ovenproof dish will do).

Sprinkle the top with chocolate and add strawberries – or other fruit. Bake for 30 minutes.

Serve warm with ice cream.

Enjoy !






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